Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Feeling thankful...

I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine about a fundraiser she is participating in for her son who has Cystic Fibrosis. She sent a link of a very cute video of him to go with it. I just sat watching it with tears streaming down my face because I feel so blessed to have Taya and know that so far we have no long term problems. I can't imagine knowing your child was only going to live into their 30's. Knowing how hard it was to watch Taya struggle when she was so little, my heart goes out to this family who watches their little boy struggle every day.

Just thought I would pass along the link if anyone wants to learn more about donating.

Here is the video for those of you who know Julie and Bryan from high school.

1 comment:

Mamma Morgan said...

I am with you on the being Thankful, I just wished I would have not taken for granite my first 5 years of being a mom before our life change and I wish I could get those days back! I cry a the thought of any child suffering anything and always have the question WHY? Thanks for sharing.